First Days in Mazatlán and the Traveling Mask Project continues

Walking Oscar under the rectangle tree
  Arriving in Mazatlán was pretty rough. We had so, so many things packed into our car and on the roof that it took all day and a bit into the next one to unload. We're staying in a 3rd story walkup and with the heat and humidity we spent most of the first day drenched in sweat. Unfortunately the place we're in didn't have bath towels (usually Airbnbs come with them), so taking showers involved drying off with the paper towels from the Oxxo.
 On our 2nd or 3rd day we took a walk near the city center and took some photos.

This is part of the Centro Historico district of the city from a hill.

A plaza near the the center.

A side street.

The shrimp mural (well half of it, I took this from the car).

The beach at sunset by our place. You can't tell from this photo but the beach is packed with people. It seems that everyone comes out when the sun is very low in the sky and they swim in the ocean until well after dark.

Naomi took this of me as we waited for our tacos at a restaurant on the beach. You can see all the people behind me, gathering and swimming.


This is another image from "The Traveling Mask Project" that is slowly creating a huge collection of photos on instagram.


I think I mentioned it before, but a group of photographers has been using one of my masks to create an impressive portfolio of work.


I'm amazed by the creativity of some of these photographers.

Anyway my mask store is open again and accepting orders. So I'm back to work while we continue to explore our new location.


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