Kill the grass season, and more progress on the Sea Monster

This is kill the grass season here in Phoenix....

Usually each year they kill the summer grass by cutting down super short, and the desert sun does it's thing.  Then they seed for winter grass (because in Phoenix we like to have green grass year round!)

This year the monsoon storms made the grass very lush and pretty so they came in with rototillers to tear it up.  It was a little sad.

I've made more progress on my Sea Monster for the Grand Avenue Festival.  This is the middle section when I finished with the sculpt  (if you recall he's 12 feet long and in three parts).

Here it is with the base color painted on it.  As I type this I notice the fins on top are covered by the plastic, but I've already wrapped this piece up and stored it, so I'll take better pictures later when I finish the paint job.

This is the tail in progress.  I'm using old cans to sculpt with since all art pieces in this show are supposed to be of recycled materials.

And this is the sculpted tail piece currently drying in the sun.  It's not going to fully dry before we leave for Mexico tomorrow so I can't wrap it up and shove it in the closet like the others.  I'll just leave it on the kitchen table to baffle the lady who's watching our cat.

In the mean time we're packing.  Packing for our move, and packing for our trip!!


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