Love Day and The Mutant Piñata

Today I saw two hummingbirds buzzing around an orange tree.  When I was growing up on the East coast seeing a hummingbird was almost like spotting a unicorn.  I saw maybe two humming birds in over thirty years of living in New York state (fewer unicorns, though).  Here in Phoenix they're as common as pigeons. Unlike pigeons, though, they give me a warm fuzzy feeling when I see them.

Yesterday was Valentine's Day.  This is our family's Valentine mailbox. Sadly, it seems my kids are getting too old for this little tradition.  Yesterday they decided instead to see"Endless Love" at the cinema with their friends (mostly so they could laugh at it), and left Mike and I alone for the evening.  We actually went out to dinner together!!  I guess we'll open our valentines today.

As you can see my "Mutant Piñata" is slowly making progress.   This is a 3 day weekend so I'll probably get a good amount done (I only work on him on weekends).   Right now I'm building hair and tentacles.

Today is shorts weather here in the desert.  We are having temperatures in the high 80's which has everyone in a panic about how hot next summer will be.... Que sera sera.... At least it's not snowing.

Tomorrow Mike leaves for San Francisco.  He's working on some films with the Academy of Art University all next week, which means I'll have to keep things running around here myself.  Happy Presidents day shopping to all my readers in the states!


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