Plague Days 2020: Sanitized streets and alcohol bans
Things are getting more intense around here. We have more of these sanitation crews showing up.
As well as trucks spraying chemicals (which they often do anyway for mosquitoes as Denge is common here). What we don't often deal with is the trucks full of well-armed military officers ever-present, deployed to ensure safety (ok, maybe a little, but now it's for the virus).
Last Monday we found all alcohol sales were banned in the state due to so many Easter gatherings last week, and today they banned bulk candy to prevent children's parties. It's causing quite a stir among the expats, who are used to being able to speak out for their rights, but as visitors here it's against the terms of our visa to get involved politically.
In other news my all-ages comic series "The People That Melt in The Rain" has a virtual re-release of issue # 1-The New Girl in Town. Please, enjoy it here on the Forbidden Futures website!!
Today I scrubbed down the garage so I can be ready to start my chalk art piece for The Virtual Earth Day Chalk Art Festival, which will be happening starting tomorrow! I briefly thought about doing it at night in the park around the corner (there are massive floodlights and I could work all night, but if the police asked me to stop I'd have to quit halfway and they're stopping people who go on walks! Many really excellent artists are involved so check it out. This is my design.
I'll be posting updates and a video online! Stay tuned. :)