The Cookies Are Coming!!

Man, Girl Scout Cookies are no joke!
Look at this marketing program my daughter is attending with her troop...

Council is developing a cookie college class that could include the following:

            Setting up your Cookie Business Plan
            Setting and tracking goals
            Marketing ideas
                        How to grab your audience
                        How to deliver the message
                        Practice talking about cookies
                        On-line assistance – forms, pictures, business cards, handouts
            Cookie Club website entry and use
            Mentors and cheerleaders
                        Getting one
                        Using one

These girls will be better prepared than your average MBA!!
After she's done I'll make her help our business. :)


Unknown said…
Wow! thats great..
Wish you luck dear..
Ryan said…
Cookies are big business, didn't you know that the girl scouts have a plan to take over corporate America lol.
Impressive! The girls can be self-supporting as their cookies gain popularity. Good luck to your daughter and her troop!
Actually the girls set huge goals and can use the money for all their activities, so it's good for them to earn it themselves. :)
doublelletee said…
That's one awesome thing being a girl scout! I was a girl guide here in Malaysia and I have learnt a great deal from it. :)
Lauren said…
Wow.. they really don't joke around about cookies!

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