Advice on turtle painting

Lately I have been attempting to more actively promote my shop on Etsy.  In an effort to see how my products are doing in targeted searches I tried a search (on the Etsy site) on sea turtles to see if I could find my painting "Beneath The Waves"

Beneath The Waves

As I scrolled through the paintings I was disappointed to see it wasn't showing up very quickly, but gradually I noticed something else that was almost alarming. First I noticed this painting...

From a store called FairySomnia. 

Then I saw a very similar one from another store called MundoMeo.  Which was surprising until I saw the same store had another turtle for sale....

Let's call him MundoMeo #2.  But that wasn't all....

Here's one from a store called ThalassaCrete, and the same turtle is here...

In the MyFishArt and it's painted on metal.

This one from  JuliaLikesFrogs is painted in acrylic with additional animals.  Where is this turtle coming from you might ask?  Well here he is, Mr Popular....

I call him #12 in the Google image search.  Anyway my advice is to get your photo reference from page 2 or later of your google image search.


Jo L. said…
Hi Carolyn! To help the painting show up in searches, make sure the phrase "Sea Turtle" (or whatever phrase you're looking to show up for)is in the description and in the name where possible.

For example:
"Beneath The Waves" is an original acrylic painting on paper board by artist Carolyn Watson Dubisch.

While out on a rowing trip, a man is surprised by an unexpected visitor - a giant sea turtle!"
Thanks-I'll give it a shot!

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