Brown water and a change of plans for Christmas
Chloe's semester at U Chicago is coming to an end. She still has some classes to take to finish her degree however and she's decided to stay in Illinois for the next few months. She's been staying in a long-term Airbnb because that's all she could arrange from here, so she will spend Christmas and a few months with a friend in Alton outside of Chicago until she can get a new place to finish school.
Wednesday, her kitty will be staying as well. Since they've been away Wednesday is super attached to Chloe and greets her like a puppy dog when she comes home from class.
The water in this city has been brown these days, or really I should say FOR MONTHS! It got contaminated during Hurricane Nora (the storm that hit the day. after I returned home from the hospital). We have been in some denial and using it for cooking and drinking water for the pets and for weeks and weeks I hadn't noticed and used it to make coffee. Anyway, we stopped all that but buying water for EVERYTHING sure produces a lot of bottles. We are out again and need to go buy more water this morning. I know I shouldn't complain. My friend out on Stone Island hasn't had water for several weeks as the water company has shut it off while they try to fix the problem.