A year of masks

Last week I past a milestone for my etsy shop , I past the one year mark since I opened! It's been much more of a success than I ever hoped. In addition to selling over 200 masks. I supplied masks for fashion shoots in New York city, Tucson and just last week for one in Texas.

From the John Varvatos event at CBGBs in NY.

I also created a massive and grotesque over sized mask for a show at The HP LOvecraft Film Festival in L.A.

Wilbur Whately mask

I provided masks for various shows across the country and shipped to more countries than I can remember.

Bands have ordered my masks for various performances and photographer Sharon Covert has created an amazing portfolio of work using my masks and landing my rabbit mask on the cover of Adore Noir magazine.

Tomorrow I shipping this mysterious order for 2 frog masks and I'm starting on a commission for a mask for a music video.

Not sure where next year will take me with this store but honestly it's the most successful venture I've ever had with my art career. 

Anyway, in other news I received my show catalogue from the Brüder Grimm exhibit I contributed to
 in Germany. Also,  Mike had a tough week when he splashed scalding water on his foot and got a 2nd degree burn on the top of it. It made for some long days on the couch, but he's finally back to walking with shoes on. 

Christmas is fast approaching and I'm playing catch up with getting ready. As usual there's my work and teaching and Chloe's coming home again on Friday (Yay!)


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