J is for Journey, K is for Kids, and L, well, L is for Lupus

Early this morning after an unfortunately light sleep, I brought Mike and Naomi to the airport. They're flying out to Napa, CA to see Phoebe's final show and closing events for The Oxbow school where Phoebe is finishing her semester of boarding school.

Tomorrow at 9pm I will pick up Chloe from her International flight from Scotland. As she is done with her semester at the University of Glasgow and will be home for the first time in many months.

The day after that, I will pick up Mike and Naomi from the airport, and finally on Tuesday night we pick up Phoebe and my week of airport runs will be complete! (Ok, I'm tired from just writing about it.)

Our light sleep came from the unfortunate fact that yesterday I was diagnosed with lupus. As you can see from this photo I have had the "lupus rash" for a very long time. In this picture Chloe was less than a year old and she just turned 20 in August. Anyway, I will need to find a special doctor who will put me on medication that they use to treat malaria. I will have to take it for the rest of my life. I guess it's time to book that trip to the Amazon, since I'm already on the meds!


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