Set and prop design
Some of my theater work...
CYT Theater's "Annie", San Diego, CA 2011
Daddy Warbucks Mansion -backdrop design
Daddy Warbucks Mansion in progress- for CYT Theater's "Annie"
The storm
The bees puppets
Blue Jay puppet
Me with the lady bug and bluejay puppets
"Seussical"-Looking Glass Theatre, San Diego, CA 2011
"Seussical"-Looking Glass Theatre, San Diego, CA 2011
Sketch for "Seussical" backdrop
Painting the backdrop
finished backdrop
Circus McGurkus train design
train in progress
Jojo's bathtub-for "Seussical"-Looking Glass Theatre
The cat in the hat's piano
"Nunsense"-for Looking Glass Theatre, San Diego, California, 2011
The "Grease" sign
The menu on the lunch counter
Sandra Dee's bedroom
locker room backdrop
Stage shot from "Nunsense-for Looking Glass Theatre
backdrop with phone added
The lunch counter.
"Once Upon A Mattress"-Looking Glass Theatre, San Diego, California 2012
The throne design for "Once Upon A Mattress"-Looking Glass Theatre
Thrones in progress- "Once Upon A Mattress"
Vanity design, "Once Upon A Mattress"-Looking Glass Theatre
Finished vanity set piece.
"Once Upon A Mattress" onstage with cast.
Completed bed and backdrop onstage with Queen in "Once Upon A Mattress"