My rainbow knee and an art update

Well, my knee is no longer swollen from last week's tumble, but it might make good reference for someone's Halloween make-up.  

head close-up
I've been pretty busy this week with work in the studio. My second Glow Worm is coming along for the Grand Avenue Festival....

He's getting there, but he still needs his legs before I can start painting. I've also begun work painting the chair for my commission....

As you can see the chair for the new bird is a different style than the original one from my show, it's also heavier and hurt like crazy when I dropped it on my feet (I have got to stop hurting myself!)

"An Intelligent Breed" from my show "Books of Whimsy" at the Central Gallery

Anyway this weekend Chloe went to Anaheim with her friend to visit Disneyland (lucky kid), so she's gone for a few days. Yesterday was the last day in the season to use our Big Surf water park tickets, so we sent Phoebe and Naomi and a friend. They were filming a movie while they were there. They managed to get some water bottles from the catering table and had a great time watching the film crew shoot the movie.

Mike has a new exhibit up in Amesbury, MA at the Blue Wave Fine Art Gallery, for anyone in the area, stop on by!!

Also I have some new paintings up for sale in my Etsy store....

And Scorpio.

Hope everyone's enjoying their weekend!


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