Final touches on my mutant piñata

Another week has passed. Mike is home from his big trip to San Francisco (which sounds like an amazing city I'd like to see someday), and now it's the weekend and I'm back at work finishing up my piñata.  I decided to add more dangling strings to make it look more like a jelly fish.  All I had around was some white string, but I do have some red dye, so I got to work with it....

Then I prepared the dye on the stove, as it requires some very hot water...

Here you can see the string in the dye bath...

And after it was done....

YAY! Red string.... I know I can just buy some, but I like to use the things I have around before buying anything.  Anyway, then I attached it to my Jelly Monster....

Then today we hung the piñata to get a feel for how she looks...

From below...

From the side...

and the other side...

Now she's all ready for her dropoff on March 4th at the Frontal Lobe Gallery!!


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