The Big Day approaches....

Tomorrow is our first (and only!) practice day for our Sandcastle Team "The Sand Witches". Which I'm sure will be no problem.... I think.

These are the sketches Mike worked out before he created the miniature....

We're practicing on a different beach (as the big Sandcastle festival starts tomorrow on Imperial Beach with kid competitions and other entertainment). I hope the sand's not too different from Imperial Beach.

The big day is Sunday. We'll have to arrive around 7:30 to sign in and set up. Then it's mad sculpting until 2:00pm when everyone stops. After that we're required to "protect" our sculpture from the public during the judging. The tide finally rolls in at 4pm when they announce the winners. Anyway, if you're anywhere near Imperial Beach, CA this Sunday come on down and show your support for "The Sand Witches"!!!


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