Using Mexpost and IGUANAS!!
Yesterday I was faced with Mexican bureaucracy, and of course, it was my own fault for entering a government building. I showed up at the Correos de México (the post office) with my mask orders ready to go as I always did in Arizona. My masks are packed in bubble wrap and packing peanuts, and inside boxes, wrapped in brown paper with names and addresses clearly spelled out.
Immediately I had done something wrong. To ship internationally they needed me to open the boxes so they could "check" them. They also told me "no, they had no tape" to seal them once they were inspected. So I grabbed my packages and we plunged ourselves into the bustling streets of downtown Mazatlán in search of tape. We wandered the hot and sweaty streets and found a fabric store. There they told us to go to "Waldo's"and gave us helpful directions. I was not confident so I asked a street vendor to confirm. He did that Mexican thing, where they give you directions even if they have no idea what you're talking about so off we went in another direction. Eventually we found tape and managed to get back to the Correos (post office).
Then they began to dismantle my packages, retape and reshape one of the boxes to make it more secure, and we filled out many customs forms. Eventually I paid for it all (in cash-it was cash only) and my formerly neat and tidy packages were all askew and set aside to head to my customers abroad. It all only took about 2 hours. This is going to take some getting used to.
This morning during our dog walk we saw our first wild iguanas! They were in the park and quite panicked and running up a tree. They were frightened by our very oblivious dog who never gave them a glance. This is our first time living in the tropics so we were embarrassingly excited.
This is the moon coming out during our dinner on the beach. We went to the same restaurant as last time for some shrimp tacos, and the sunset.