Back on the air!!
Once upon a time, in a magical place, there lived a lot of whimsical
creatures and silly beasts. But not to worry, you only stumbled upon K.
Michael Crawford's Art..."From the moment I could hold a crayon in my
hand, there hasn't been a time when I haven't been drawing and creating
whimsical and quirky characters... all whom dwell in a magical land
within my enchanted imagination. I have illustrated over 30 children's
books for publishers and educational companies and have won a number of
awards for my art and books. Most recently, The Mystery of Journeys
Crowne won a Biblio 2009 Best of the Year."
Next on our show is Kraig Rasmussen. Kraig describes himself as “a life long comic book artist, writer and rabid film geek.” Rasmussen is the creator of the popular character Rocketboy, and is also a founder and contributing artist of White Rabbit Magazine, a comic book anthology featuring the works of seven creators, perfect bound and printed in full color.
"Shoes speak volumes about the lives we lead,'' says Kelly Jo Shows of Kennebunk, who is painting a series of portraits of artist shoes. ''They develop a character over the years, and are a road map of the hours spent in them and the places we have been.'' Shows, 44, collects shoes by word of mouth, and also sends out letters to artists she admires. She sets up the shoes in her studio, then begins making paintings of them just as she would if the subject were a living person. She's painted the shoes of painter Jamie Wyeth, Broadway performer Leslie Giammanco, and performance artist Goldie Peacock. They are a curious still-life form animated by the spirit of their donor. Her exhibition titled ''Shoe In'' from June 16 to July 14 at Heartwood College of Art.
Join us this Monday with this month's group of artists and visionaries!
Next on our show is Kraig Rasmussen. Kraig describes himself as “a life long comic book artist, writer and rabid film geek.” Rasmussen is the creator of the popular character Rocketboy, and is also a founder and contributing artist of White Rabbit Magazine, a comic book anthology featuring the works of seven creators, perfect bound and printed in full color.
"Shoes speak volumes about the lives we lead,'' says Kelly Jo Shows of Kennebunk, who is painting a series of portraits of artist shoes. ''They develop a character over the years, and are a road map of the hours spent in them and the places we have been.'' Shows, 44, collects shoes by word of mouth, and also sends out letters to artists she admires. She sets up the shoes in her studio, then begins making paintings of them just as she would if the subject were a living person. She's painted the shoes of painter Jamie Wyeth, Broadway performer Leslie Giammanco, and performance artist Goldie Peacock. They are a curious still-life form animated by the spirit of their donor. Her exhibition titled ''Shoe In'' from June 16 to July 14 at Heartwood College of Art.
Join us this Monday with this month's group of artists and visionaries!